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Out of India

Fossils just found in India but dating from when it was an island belong to an ancestor of modern horses and rhinos. A team of US and Indian researchers found fossils from [...]

Towards an invisibility cloak

Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak was magic, but scientists have recently developed several ways to make objects invisible. Most of those methods use expensive [...]

Life began underground

Researchers in Germany have suggested that life on Earth may have begun underground. Ulrich Schreiber and Christian Mayer at the University of Duisburg-Essen say that their [...]

Controlling bee pests

A group of entrepreneurs in Mexico have designed a `smart’ system to control the bee pest Varroa destructor. The mite, which lives on bee larvae,  reduces honey [...]

How cats were tamed

Cats and humans have shared homes for at least 9,000 years, but we still know very little about how cats were tamed (domesticated). Researchers have found some clues by [...]

NASA photographs Saturn

Image: IPL/JPL.NASA NASA sent a small spaceship out into space to photograph Saturn.  Here is an image it sent back. Isn’t it [...]
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